25 February 2020

Making ice cream shake

Today, we made some Milo ice cream shake in the laboratory. For this to happen, we added salt to the bag of ice.

Temperature is below zero degree Celsius!

Let's see what will happen to this bag of liquid Milo.

Wow! It's no longer taking the shape of its container!

Did you enjoy your Milo ice cream shake?

Here is another activity that you can try at home. Read it for the explanation too!


18 February 2020

What colour can you see under lights of different colours?

Let's try this!
Click the image below to launch the interactive and explore.

Read about absorption of light

You've learned that coloured objects reflect some colours of the white light and absorb the other colours, and that the colours of an object depends on the colour it reflects into the observer's eyes.

Some of you are curious about how objects can absorb some colours of the white light. Let's read about it here: 